Oral Hygiene Instruction

Oral Hygiene Instruction

Proper Oral Hygiene is the most effective means of preventing dental problems such as cavities
and gum disease.
Our Team provides an oral wellness session with our patients and ensure being specific and
customize with the patient as to how they can take care of their oral hygiene from home and
and strategize how to fit it into their normal routine.
We will deliver hands on coaching and techniques on how you can be more proactive with your
oral care at home.

Best dental clinic in Toronto

We suggest a Full Self Care session particularly when patient has:

  • Periodontal Disease
    • Bacterial control
  • Decay
    • Process of decay and control
  • Orthodontic brace
    • Mouth is different now to clean, prone and potential risk to decay.
  • Dental Implant, crown and bridges
    • Potential risks to decay and gingivities
  • Xerostomia or Dry mouth
    • Reasons and preventions

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