Preventative Care Visits

We are here to support you along the journey of your oral health change

Preventative Care Visits

Preventative care visits are essential to maintaining a healthy smile. Healthy patients should have their teeth cleaned and examined every six months for children and 3-4 months for adult in order to encourage healthy smiles and address oral health problems while they are smaller and simpler to correct.

Best Dentistry Services


Periodontal Disease is one of the most common diseases in adults.

Periodontal Disease is progressive and failure to treat the disease may result in the eventual loss of teeth

Periodontal Disease is not curable but the procedures that we recommend will attempt to halt the disease process from being more destructive.

You must become very active in your own home care of disease control to arrest the disease process.  Your hygienist and/or doctor cannot control the disease by themselves.

Your daily disease control at home is essential but can only disturb bacteria up to 3 mm below the gum line.

Professional maintenance partnered with your daily homecare is the key to future success.

Periodontal Disease is episodic which is why we will evaluate your mouth at each visit and plan appropriately for it

There are many other risk factors that can contribute to your periodontal condition.

We now know that there are many systemic factors related to Periodontal Disease.

Our goal is to HALT this disease process and continue to monitor it


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